
denise laurel baby daddy father name

denise laurel baby daddy father name

A lot of fans missed Denise Laurel because she has been out in the show business industry because she got pregnant. Last April, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy and it has been reported that the father of her baby is an Italian American but Denise Laurel disclose the name of the daddy of the baby. I think she is having personal issues with the father of the baby because right now there are some rumors that they got separated and Denise Laurel is now a single mom. I’m sad when I heard that rumor although I am not sure if that is true or not but if it is true, it makes me sad because Denise Laurel just gave birth to her baby last April of this year 2013 and it is difficult to raise a baby without its father. But I think even if it is difficult, Denise Laurel could manage to raise her own baby even without its father. I think it is also one of the reasons why she disclosed the name of the father of the baby.

I am one of Denise Laurel’s fan and I could say that I miss her in the show business industry but I think by next year she will be having a strong comeback career. Even though she is now a mom, a single mom to be specific but yet she remained to be beautiful and sexy. Although she wants to lose some weight because after getting pregnant and giving birth to her baby, she clearly gained some weight and I know that she will be working so hard to lose those weight that she gained during her pregnancy. I think she could make it and she will be able to have a strong comeback career.

Denise Laurel already accepted the fact that she is a single mom right now, in fact she is a hot mom to be specific and I understand the reason why she doesn’t want to mention the name of the daddy of the baby anymore. I think she will just focus on her career and at the same time taking care of her baby. But I am sure her family will always be there for her because she also helped her family a lot because she has a big salary. Now everyone is excited to see her back in the TV series and I think she has an upcoming movie and upcoming TV series. So I could say that the year 2014 will be her comeback year and a lot of people are anticipating it. She has been gone from the industry for a quite number of months and right now she is prepared and determined ever than before because right now she has a big inspiration in life and that is her lovely baby boy.

Simply Beautiful

Denise Laurel remains to be very beautiful and charming even after giving birth to a adorable baby boy. The beauty of Denise Laurel is one of the reasons why she is a very famous actress in the Philippines but her acting skills is also great. Denise Laurel simply got this amazing beauty and even without wearing a makeup, she still remains to be very beautiful. It is a kind of beauty that is very raw and she doesn’t exert much effort in making herself beautiful in front of many people. Denise Laurel is still very young, at the age of 26, she already achieved a lot of things on her acting and modeling career. She is still very beautiful and I consider her in my top 10 list of Filipina celebrities. The career of Denise Laurel started in 1999 and up to this very moment, she is still active despite of giving birth to her baby. She continues her career and works so hard so that her baby would have a better future.

Being a Single Mom

Being a single mom is a hard thing to do especially in the situation of Denise Laurel wherein she still needs to work hard and at the same time take care of her baby. But she is a strong woman and being a single mom will not be a hindrance towards her success in her career. She constantly works so hard and at the same time take care of her adorable baby. It is not easy to be like Denise Laurel that’s why a lot of people are inspired by her life story. She may be a single mom at a very young age but she did not take it negatively and she always looks on the bright side of things and move on. For sure, Denise Laurel will still be able to have a great career in showbiz because a lot of people love her. She is very beautiful and intelligent and at the same time, she has a great character that’s why most people in the industry loves her including her fellow celebrities.

Priorities in Life

Right now in 2014, Denise Laurel needs to set her priorities whether to become a full time mom or to go ahead and take care of her career. But in my own opinion, she should not give up one of those things because she could actually do both. I mean she is a professional and I’m pretty sure that she could handle being a mom and also at the same time working so hard for the future of her baby. It is always not easy to become a single parent but Denise Laurel showed to her fans that she was able to move on especially to the problem that she experienced in the past. She is such a strong person and for sure a lot of single moms out there are also inspired by her life story. Denise Laurel is not only a great actress but also she is a great person off the camera as she continues to inspire a lot of people especially her fans that are always there to support her not matter what happens in her life and in her career.

Strengths in Life

The source of Denise Laurel’s strength right now is her baby and also her family. Even though that she is left alone to take care of her baby, she still remains very strong and doesn’t show any sign of weakness because if she do, the future of her baby will be affected. She doesn’t want that the future of her baby will be in jeopardy that’s why she is gathering all of her strength from her family so that she will be able to move on with her life. Denise Laurel is one of my favorite celebrities in the Philippines not only because she is beautiful but also because she is one tough woman. She was never shattered despite she faced a huge problem in the past. She made it sure that all the negative things that she encounter will turn to positive things. She might have experience sorrows in the past but because of her family and because of her baby, she turned those sorrows into smiles. Right now in 2014, Denise Laurel is all smiles because she is happy and contented with her life right now.

Future Relationships

When we talk about future relationships of Denise Laurel, she is not thinking of it as of this very moment. All she wanted is to continue her career as an actress and of course take a good care of her baby. She doesn’t want to rush things and fall in love all over again because she was badly hurt the last time she fell in love with a guy. In my own opinion, she is just taking things one step at a time and for sure she will be able to find the man of her dreams in the future or should I say the right guy for her because she is such a beautiful woman and an amazing person. Denise Laurel has a lot of fans not only in the Philippines but all over the country as well most especially the OFW or the Overseas Filipino Workers who supports her. People in the Philippines simply love Denise Laurel simply because of her talent in acting and also with her amazing beauty. Aside from that, she is such an inspirational person especially to all single moms out there. She sets as a walking example of a woman that knows her strength and weaknesses and a woman that is able to stand up despite facing hardships and trials in the past. As a fan of Denise Laurel, I simply wish her all the best in her life and in her career as well and also the health of her baby. She loves her baby so much and she will do everything in order to give her baby a great future that’s why she is working hard right now both in her career and being a mom at the same time.

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