
jerky treats recall costco,del monte

jerky treats recall costco,del monte

Jerky treats is a pet food and it has been manufactured and on sale in pet shops all over the country since 2007. But jerky treats is safe, and the only issue about it is that some of the jerky treats are manufactured from China and those items are dangerous for your pet because it would cause harm and sickness. A good jerky treats is produced by del monte and not from China so just be extra careful in buying some jerky treats because it may harm your pet.

There were several complains with pet owners regarding jerky treats but the Del Monte Corp advised those complainants to be vigilant and be careful in buying jerky treats that came from China. If only you buy jerky treats not from china but from Del Monte Corp then there would be a 100% assurance that the product that you are using is safe for pets and there will never be a problem out of it. Since the year 2007, scientist have analyzed jerky treats for evidence of some toxin contents like heavy metals, melamine analogs and other chemicals used but they haven’t found any of it and they haven’t found nothing convincing to continue the investigation. What concerns them is that there are just some jerky treats which happens to came from China that are not safe and could cause illness for pets.

If you have a pet and it happened to be ill while giving them jerky treats, make sure to inform the FDA and let them know about the situation so that they will be able to react to your report. Just be extra careful especially on the health of your pet. Jerky treats manufactured by Del Monte are not dangerous but the ones from China are. Just be very extra careful to insure the safety and the health of your pet. These Chinese merchants that are selling jerky treats are the ones to be blamed for all of those cases of dead pets. They should be stopped immediately for selling jerky treats that are coming from China. These merchants are the main reason why there are a huge number of cases of pet illness and some of those cases resulted to death. Pet owners are now very concerned about jerky treats from China because it is really the cause of illness and death of most pets not only in America but also in some other places in the world.

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