
cadet cudia news update,pma

cadet cudia news update,pma Sad to say, cadet Aldrin Jeff Cudia was dismissed in PMA and the latest news update about this cadet is that he was not able to graduate in PMA after violating the Honor code of PMA. No matter what kind of appeal he did, cadet Cudia was not able to graduate simply because he did a violation that could mean dismissal from the academy. The Philippine Military Academy proved that they would only want deserving cadets to graduate from their academy and cadet Cudia was a example that no matter how could a cadet you may be, if you violate the honor code of PMA academy, you could never reach your goal and that is to become a graduate of the academy. Cadet Cudia became a controversial cadet during these past few weeks of the Philippines. His name became headlines in so many news company. Lying, cheating and stealing are just a simple honor code of the academy and violating those codes would mean dismissal. Sad to say, the graduation was already finished and cadet Cudia was not a part of that ceremony. He struggled for several years in the academy but did an amazing performance but because of his violation, he was forced to pay a price and the most painful part is that all those years that he worked so hard in completing his goal vanished because he was dismissed from the academy. The PMA or Philippine Military Academy protects its honor code so much and no matter who you are, if you violate the honor code there will never be any excuse and you should pay the price for violating the honor code. I hope that cadet Cudia will learn his lesson and he will reflect on it. For sure this young cadet already regrets the things that he has done. He may not be able to graduate the academy but as a person he has learned a lot. Even the president of the Philippines did not allow cadet Aldrin Jeff Cudia to graduate from the academy because all the president wants is that the graduate of PMA should be qualified graduates and sad to say cadet Cudia is not one of those qualified cadets to graduate from the academy.

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